Donate now to advance progressive justice reform
Together we educate, advocate, agitate.

Together we educate, advocate, agitate.
You want a fair Wisconsin justice system. WJI does the work.
You support good government and fairness for those whose voices may go unheard. You recognize that Wisconsin's justice system will not improve without hard work and that advocacy by organizations and citizens is imperative. WJI advocates for a better Wisconsin justice system and promotes effective citizen advocacy by helping individuals understand the system, its strengths and shortcomings, and the data supporting change.
Your gift will help WJI on the following projects and more:
- Producing a Spanish-language pocket guide for navigating Wisconsin municipal courts, so those who represent themselves know their rights to interpreters and community service instead of fines
- Sparking public conversation about racial disparities in marijuana prosecutions and spearheading efforts to legalize marijuana
- Advocating for an end to life sentences for juveniles
- Informing you about judicial candidates and important court cases and justice issues that mainstream media may miss.